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This prompt is inspired by no current events, none at all, I don’t know why you would even dare to ask such a strange question, it’s just a… and we proceeded to make excuses for the next several hours, enjoy the prompt.

In case you don’t know what a writing prompt is, well first off, noob, and second off, we’ll tell you what they are (reluctantly mind you). Ok, so we give you an image, a sentence, a video or something stupid, just anything we find that could inspire a story. And then you, being the noobie you are, will try your darndest to create a decent story within the week timeframe we give you. Of course, you could also forgo the challenge and become a sad hermit in the desert, but hey, that’s a pretty interesting life, you could write about that. We’ll also be posting these on our Instagram @allthewritinghq so tolerate them wherever you find them. Have a nice time of existence, and we’ll enjoy your stories as well.